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News & Updates

Spellementary 3

Category: News

Spellementary - the revolutionary word-finding and all round literacy tool designed for students and employees with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD’s) and used by everyone.

  • Unique word-finding functionality providing individuals with a different approach to spelling.
  • Intuitive for users with SpLD’s who struggle with silent letters, double letters, phonemes and other complex English language nuances.
  • Version 3 officially launched with new and improved features including Assistive Technology software integration with Audio Notetaker, ClaroRead, Dragon, Inspiration, MindManager, MindView, NoteTalker, Read & Write as well as the complete Microsoft© Office Suite.

Version 3 for DSA has it all

Spellementary 3 for DSA now comes exclusively as Elite edition and contains all features found in Standard / Advanced / Professional versions across both specialities - Legal and Medical. It's also platform invariant.

Contains Consecutive Characters

The “Contains Consecutive Characters” search method is useful for when you can recognise a specific part within a word. For example, with the word “bureaucratically” you may be 100% certain of “crat”. Typing “crat” into the Spellementary search will provide a list of all words that contain “crat” somewhere within their spelling.

Contains Sequential Characters

The “Contains Sequential Characters” search method allows the user to type in the letters they are certain appear in the word. For example, in the word onomatopoeia, you may recognise the “n” sound, the “mat” sound and the “p” sound. You type the letters in the search box in the order in which they appear. The software does the rest. The letters don’t need to be next to each other, only in sequence of their appearance.

Need further assistance?

Our staff are ready to help you with your DSA needs. You can easily contact us via the following:

  • Phone: 0161 745 8353
  • Email:
  • Live Support: Chat with an assistant at Live Support


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Last updated (24th May 2018)

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